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Indie Movie “Karaoke Crime” (Working Title) Casting Actors Who Can Also Sing in San Diego

By | June 28, 2016

Upcoming film production filming in the San Diego area is searching for local actors who are also able to sing and dance.

ALL Lead and Secondary characters must be able and willing to both sing and dance. The movie takes place in and around a karaoke bar, and every lead and secondary character will also have ONE DAY AT A LOCAL STUDIO to record their songs (to be played back during the shoot).

We are calculating 4-5 days over one or two weeks at the end of August, possibly as late as Mid-September. One reason these dates are not set in stone yet is because of YOU! Being an independent feature, we WILL be providing compensation, but one of our biggest assets is flexibility. We want to work closely with our KEY TALENT to set firm dates that everyone else who is cast must adhere to.

In addition to the Lead and featured extra roles listed below, you will also notice a need for a great number (20-30) of background actors since the majority of the movie takes place in and around a local bar in San Diego.


Lead Roles

Johnny– Mid 40’s. Average build, between 5’10” and 6′ in height around 200 lbs; Short blond hair, balding with receding hairline. Blue eyes and glasses. John likes to smile and likes to see those around him doing the same. While a seemingly admirable quality, it causes some people (one very dear to him) to feel he does not take life quite as seriously as he should. (MAIN CHARACTER)
–Partial nudity required

Kari K: Mid/late 30’s. Average build, can be anywhere between 5’0 and 5’6″ (but wears shoes to be whatever height she chooses at any particular time–usually heels when at work). She has blonde hair that hangs past her shoulders and is often pulled back into a pony-tail as it is on the night this story takes place. Kari K is the karaoke KJ (“Kari K, the Karaoke KJ” is her tagline and even on her business cards). She is a high energy Southern California girl, but she wears her emotions on her sleeve, which means that sometimes that high energy may be directed in ways that defy her usual “bubbly” nature and led to her becoming a KJ in the first place. While still beautiful by the standards of any sane person, she is very self-conscious about approaching 40 and being unmarried and childless. She is a great person to have in your corner and a terrible person to have against you. (MAIN CHARACTER)
–Partial Nudity Required (Topless–implied full)

Jade Silver: Jade is Mid-Late 20’s. Femme Fatale. She has long, dark wavy/curly hair and has dark eyes lined with dark make up. She wears dark red lipstick. Dark complected, olive-skinned or tanned (ethnicity does not matter, ALL will be considered if they fit the general description), possibly a mix of ethnicities. She has a dancer’s body and does in fact dance quite well. Her profession is exotic dancer at a local SD Gentlemen’s Club (but we do NOT see this in the movie). When she speaks, anyone who listens carefully might be slightly confused as to why she dances at a strip club. It is neither the sexually abused as a child nor the working her way through college story– instead being something she does simply to defy boredom and her parents (her mother had been an exotic dancer as well and gone to strange lengths to prevent her daughter from doing the same. In the end, the efforts of her parents backfired and only drove Jade to the stripper’s pole). On the night of this story, she has broken up with her boyfriend, a Brazilian-American thug and self-styled motorcycle gangster. (MAIN CHARACTER)
–Partial Nudity Required (Topless–implied full)

Cammy: Cammy is late 20’s and a very cute girl, possibly slightly larger than the other girls in the story, giving her a very cherubic, innocent and likable presence. She is a regular at The CarryOut and great friends with both Johnny and Kari K. Kari K has been her friend longer, but she developed a crush on Johnny several months before he and Kari K started dating, which had been a point of contention between Kari K and Cammy temporarily at that time, but has long since passed. Cammy, like Johnny, smiles a lot. Also, like Johnny, she likes for others to be happy and occasionally opens her mouth before fully assessing a situation, possibly leading her to end up with her foot in her mouth. (LEAD SECONDARY CHARACTER)

V V: VV is mid-30’s. He is short and somewhat trollish in appearance, but with the sexual appetite and persistence of a movie star times a rock singer to the power of a professional quarterback. VV never passes an opportunity to get next to a woman. He and Johnny are great friends and “running buddies”, constantly acting as “wingmen” for each other. When Johnny texts him on the night of this story, it is not automatic, but is does not take much convincing to get him out to the bar. Once there, he falls under the spell of Jade every bit as badly as Johnny but without the good luck of reciprocation that Johnny experiences. (IMPORTANT SECONDARY CHARACTER)

Flash: Regular at The Carry Out for karaoke. Black guy, mid 30’s to mid 40’s. Wears a football jersey with “FLASH” on the back. He is another of Johnny’s running buddies. When anyone notices both are gone, it is a safe bet they are in the parking lot together, hitting a bowl and listening to music. He also chases women like there is no tomorrow, and gives up on Jade to settle on hanging out with three girls at the bar who are fans of his karaoke choices and singing (IMPORTANT SECONDARY CHARACTER)

Shay– Petite, young, Asian (Written as “Asian girl”, but very open to any/all ethnicities– the right person is the right person) girl who sings “Losing My Religion” by REM while Jade dances for Johnny (FEATURED EXTRA)

Matt-Man: a 56 year old regular at the CarryOut–(FEATURED EXTRA–SINGS)

Misty: 36 year old woman hanging out at the CarryOut –(FEATURED EXTRA–SINGS)

LACKEY X (not character’s name): Hanging with Scab. Does his bidding. Mid 20’s to Mid 40’s. Average build–muscular to fat is OK. (FEATURED EXTRA–NO SINGING)

LACKEY Z (not character’s name): Rides Scab’s bike out to a dump-site (FEATURED EXTRA–NO SINGING)

Danny: the bartender and owner of the bar (late 30’s to late 40’s) –(FEATURED EXTRA–NO SINGING)

Marvin Lippert–Man in 60-70’s. Scab’s neighbor (FEATURED EXTRA–NO SINGING)
Eleanor Lippert–Woman in 50-70’s. Marvin’s wife; only seen cowering behind her husband (FEATURED EXTRA–NO SINGING/NO LINES)

We will be looking for about 20 to 30 background extras to work for 2-3 nights.

There will be a minimum of QUALITY FOOD as compensation for everyone including Featured Extras and Background Actors.

**ALL LEAD ACTORS and SECONDARY ACTORS will be compensated additionally financially, based upon several factors, including experience and other factors that may be negotiated with each actor individually.**

Everyone involved will be credited additionally as an “EXECUTIVE PRODUCER”. However, there will be expectations that are associated with this title, primarily being active involvement in the crowdfunding and fundraising efforts overall. PLEASE ONLY APPLY if you completely understand and are willing to enthusiastically take part in the fundraising aspects of this project.( If for any reason, you are unable or unwilling to be part of the fund-raising, please do not apply. This is automatic disqualifier.)

If you would like to be considered for one of the roles above, please follow the process outlined here:

1) Send 8×10 headshot (EVERYONE)

2) Send CLOTHED Body Shot (All LEADS and SECONDARY–just something that shows your general level of fitness)

3) Send links for Youtube clips, etc. of you singing and/or dancing (ALL LEADS and SECONDARY if singing)

4) Please write a short email to explain that you understand the need to actively, enthusiastically engage in the fundraising efforts.

5) Please include your Professional Actors Resume if available. Tell me about what else you have done!

6) Please let me know any questions you have!

Additional Information:
We will hold an initial “table read” on July 9 at 6 pm. I don’t have to have all my acting talent locked by this date. It will primarily be used for me to hear everything read aloud by others to work on final draft changes. There will be a great collection of others there as well who will be “Executive Producers” for “The END of FUN”. To earn this title, folks just have to essentially do “street team” type stuff. Post links to the fan page, to the crowdfunder (either Kickstarter or Indiegogo), and the trailers, etc once available.
Everyone involved in this project so far is inSANELY enthusiastic, and we are mapping out a plan to go to SXSW ultimately.
During the interviews and auditions, we (at least one Senior Exec Producer–Rita McBean) will gauge talent but will also definitely consider ENTHUSIASM for the project and for elements such as fundraising as a bonus. Anyone who flat out refuses to participate is probably not someone the rest of us would be comfortable working with, honestly. We are a team of WORKHORSES!
That crowdfunding will begin on July 10, 2016 (*the day after Table Read 1). I plan to use small snippets from that table read (as well as Table Read 2– which will be a week or so before shooting starts) for marketing purposes, including the crowdfunding efforts. So far, as I have just been planting seeds etc., I have been posting at the production blog (theENDofFUN.blogspot.com) daily with significant amounts of material and work full-time as an ESL Instructor, so I have never, am not, and will never ask anyone to do anything that I am not already do 100x over! I just want to work with folks who share the same drive, commitment and enthusiasm!
I just want to work with folks who share the same drive, commitment and enthusiasm!
The HUGE incentive is that their PAY will come from that effort! LOL. We will be very upfront about this during interview/audition as well.

There is already a FB Page, Twitter account and blog starting to pick up steam and fans. If you are interested in this project and would like more information first or to engage in discussion, please email me through I will be glad to discuss whatever you like and/or provide links to the rest of what is just getting started!

Those interested may send the above requested information to karaokecrime@gmail.com.

Please note that this project is seeking actors local to the San Diego area only as no travel expenses are being covered.


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