Bay Area Actors for Business Professional Roles in Video

Looking for actors to play high level business professionals ~30-60

Location: San Jose / Bay Area

Type: Video

We are shooting an information video for a Bay Area based LinkIn type startup that caters to high level business personnel.

We are looking for actors of all ethnicity and genders to play a user of the product while tutorial type footage is inter cut.

This may or may not be a speaking role depending on the talent chosen and our audio teams’ ability to find good V/O talent.

The main restrictions are that you are able to present yourself professionally (ideally with wardrobe to match) and look old enough to realistically have obtained a high level business position

We are hoping and expecting to shoot within the next month but there are variables on behalf of the client that may delay production until after January.

Unfortunately we are unable to pay as our studio is student run and therefore working unpaid for college credit but we will be able to credit you in the video we pass off to the client who has gone out of their way to ensure us they will do everything in their means to generate exposure for those working on the video.

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: San Jose / Bay Area
Please submit to:

This casting notice was posted by: MediaWorks

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