MTV True Life “Cyber Bully” and “Cyber War”


MTV Casting / Tryouts

Casting for MTV’s True Life series information. MTV is seeking teens and young adults for three episodes of True Life that deal with a “cyber” issue. The episodes are “I am a Cyberbully”, “Cyber War” and “Peaole think I am a Cyber Bully”. The descriptions of the 3 castings along with contact info for each may be found below.

Please note that the show only is interested in casting individuals 1 to 26 in age.

Do you think people take things you say online or while texting too seriously? Are you often told that texts or online messages that you’ve sent are mean when you think they’re funny? Have you gotten in trouble at school or with friends for things you’ve said on MySpace, Facebook, or while texting? Do think it’s cool to join in and trash people online when everyone else is doing it? Have you ever let things go too far online and then later regretted it?

If you appear to be between the ages of 16-28, are tired of people getting worked up over your online and text messages, and would like to share your story, MTV wants to hear from you! Email us at and tell us about your situation. Also, please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and photo.


Do you do things online that you would never do in the real world? Have you ever created a Facebook group to make fun of someone? Have you gotten in trouble at school or with friends for things you’ve said on MySpace, Facebook, or while texting? Have people blocked you online? Has your Facebook or MySpace account ever been suspended because of something you’ve said or done using them? Do you think joining in to trash people online and via text is funny?

If you appear to be between the ages of 16-28, enjoy dissing people online or via text, and would like to share your story, MTV wants to hear from you! Email us at and tell us about your situation. Also, please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and photo.


Are you in the middle of an online or text fight? Do you feel like you’re being unfairly attacked on Facebook or MySpace? Do you use IM, Facebook, MySpace or text to get even with your enemies? Do you think your computer and your cell phone are the best tools to help you settle the score? Do you feel pressured to respond to people ganging up on you online?

If you appear to be between the ages of 16-28, are involved in a “cyber war,” and would like to share your story, MTV wants to hear from you! Email us at and tell us about your situation. Also, please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and photo.