Castings and Auditions for true life casting

Are you dating a cheapskate? MTV’s TRUE LIFE Wants to hear your story!

Location: nationwide Type: Reality TV TRUE LIFE: I’M DATING A CHEAPSKATE Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend who pinches so many pennies it’s pinching your last nerves? Do your romantic evenings out often include coupons? Or does your partner forgo restaurants altogether in favor of dining establishments that feature value meals? Will he or… Read More »


CASTING ALERT! Los Angeles – TRUE LIFE: I’M DATING MY FRIEND’S EX Making a relationship work is tough enough, but what if your best friend had history–messy history–with your new boyfriend or girlfriend? Could you handle the bad blood between the two most important people in your life? Do you have to deal with your… Read More »

Casting MTV’s True Life

MTV – ‘High Maintenance Girlfriend’ casting notice posted by the Producer/Director Casting notice posted on, casting location: MTV Casting Calls TRUE LIFE: I HAVE A HIGH MAINTENANCE GIRLFRIEND Does your girlfriend totally dominate your relationship? Does she call all the shots while you just follow her lead? Are you at her beck and call all of… Read More »

MTV True Life “Cyber Bully” and “Cyber War”

MTV Casting / Tryouts Casting for MTV’s True Life series information. MTV is seeking teens and young adults for three episodes of True Life that deal with a “cyber” issue. The episodes are “I am a Cyberbully”, “Cyber War” and “Peaole think I am a Cyber Bully”. The descriptions of the 3 castings along with… Read More »