Home » Reality TV » Casting LGBTQ+ Community Members to Share Their Stories

Casting LGBTQ+ Community Members to Share Their Stories

By | March 26, 2023

What advice would you give your younger self when it comes to your goals and saving for the future?

We are looking for people from the LGBTQIA+ communities to share their words of wisdom, inspiration, advice along with stories of their journey to reach life and financial goals – and inspire the next generation of LGBTQIA+ people to reach their goals too!

This fun, interactive campaign will highlight people’s stories across: Education, Career, Marriage, Family, Home Ownership and Retirement.

Some story/advice ideas:

  • Saving for/in college; next big goal; a wedding; a family/adoption; a new home; retirement
  • Investing
  • Insurance
  • Mortgage process for LGBTQ+ couples
  • Life road mapping

And better yet, you will get paid if you are selected to be featured – simply for wanting to share your story/advice!
We would love to hear from you! (referrals are also welcome if you have friends/family that might be suitable too)
For more information and examples of what we are looking for, you can click on the official casting form here https://cutt.ly/LGBTQFinanceGoals

Deadline to submit your interest is Wednesday March 29th 2023

USA based residents only as you will be required for an in-person shoot.

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