Zoom Auditions for Lead Role in Indie Film Project


Location: Zoom

Audition / Call Type: Films


Title: Fascinator

Genre: Crime Drama

In the dark underbelly of a gritty city, a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption unfolds. “Velvet” tells the story of Dean Rose, a modern-day greaser, who finds himself captivated by the enigmatic Velvet, a young prostitute. Their lives intersect when Dean rescues Velvet from a violent encounter with a client, igniting a connection that defies societal norms. As their relationship deepens, secrets are unearthed, leading to devastating consequences and irreversible heartache.


Velvet (Lead Role)
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Age: 18-26

Description: Velvet is a complex and intriguing character. Her captivating presence masks a hidden agenda as she navigates between love and self-preservation. An actress who can portray vulnerability, resilience, and inner conflict with depth and authenticity is sought.
Note: We are specifically seeking Asian actresses to ensure cultural authenticity and accuracy in portraying the character Velvet.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Zoom
Please submit to: fascinatorcasting@gmail.com by 07/01/2023 4:00 PM

Submission requirements:

Provide a headshot and full-body photograph.
Include a resume showcasing your previous acting experience.
Prepare a video monologue (1-2 minutes) showcasing your range and emotional depth.

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